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The Tentsile experience of the Kipari beach is located in Rautavaara, North-Savonia. The best way to get to the experience, which is located in a natural setting, is by car.

Kiparinranta Tentsile site

The address of Kiparinranta Tentsiles is:
Kiparintie 738, Rautavaara

The location is:

  • 30 km away from the scenery of Lake Tiilikkajärvi National Park

  • 60 km from Tahko

  • 80 km from Iisalmi

  • 100 km from Kuopio

  • 110 km from Kajaani

  • 12 km from the centre of Rautavaara

Nearest transport connections:

  • 67 km away, the nearest train station is located in Siilinjärvi, at Asematie 8.

  • For public transport, the nearest bus stop (Hankamäki) is located along road 75 (Nurmeksentie) at the junction of Hankamäentie, 19 km from the Hankamäki bus stop. This route is used for example by the Kuopio-Nurmes bus service.

Nearest services:

  • The nearest shop is Sale Rautavaara, Savontie 21 ( 12 km).

  • The nearest rescue service is Rautavaara fire station, Kirkkotie 17 (on-call 044 718 7173).

  • The nearest health centre is Rautavaara Health Centre, Kotitie 4 (appointment 017 171 260)

  • The nearest hospital is in Kuopio, Kuopio University Hospital, Puijonlaaksontie 2 (on-call service 116117)

Metsäkartano Tentsiles destination

The address of Kiparinranta Tentsiles is:
Metsäkartanontie 700, Rautavaara.

The location is:

  • 300 metres from the scenery of Lake Tiilikkajärvi National Park

General information

Electric car charging point:
Parking lot of the Municipal Hall, Koulutie 1

Electric bicycle charging:
If you arrive on an electric bike, please let us know and we will arrange for you to charge your electric bike for the duration of your stay.

Taxi services
For local taxis, please follow this link.

In case of emergency, please call 112.

You can find the exact location of the tent with rescue coordinates on the Tentsile website.

Tip! We recommend downloading the Emergency Centre Finland 112 app (112 Suomi) on your mobile phone.

Check out the tourist services offered by Rautavaara on the Visit Rautavaara website.